This is the home of the Braids project.

SlayGame was written for my own amusement, and since it might be useful to others it has been released under GNU GPL through SourceForge. Below is a working Java Applet version of the program for you to try. It is less useable than the standalone Java Application version, but gives a taste of the functionality. You can download the executable jar at: . The jar contains the code for the standalone version and for the applet.

Something went wrong with the applet. Hey ho.

Basic concepts:

This is another turn-based conquer-the world board game. Buy military units to conquer the world. The more land area you own, the faster you generate money. Soldiers cost money to keep, and if you run out of money they all starve to death (Hint: this is not a good thing). Castles cost nothing to run, but cannot move. You can drag units from the 'Town Detail Panel (half way up right hand side). Alternately you can invoke the 'Buy Window' by right-clicking with the mouse in the play area. You can then drag units from the 'Buy Window'.

Of course you can only buy units if you have enough money. And you can only drag them to a valid hexagon. To be valid a hexagon must either be owned by the town creating the unit, or adjacent to a hexagon owned by the town creating the unit. In the latter case the unit must be able to capture the adjacent hexagon.

Soldiers can capture a hexagon if they have enough rank. A hexagon has an 'effective rank' which is the rank of the highest ranking soldier or Castle either on the hexagon or on one of its immediate neighbours. Of course only units owned by the owner of the hexagon count. Ranks are:

Some other useful points:

The freestanding Java application has some extra benefits: